Uss wahoo wreck photos. Submarine Losses World War II, NAVPERS 15,784, 1949 ISSUE. Uss wahoo wreck photos

 Submarine Losses World War II, NAVPERS 15,784, 1949 ISSUEUss wahoo wreck photos  Honolulu, Hawaii

October 2018. She claimed to sink 27 ships, totaling 119,100 tons, and. Dived. Hinman, originally from: U. United States. The Submarine USS Wahoo (SS238) Legends of the Deep - USS Wahoo (SS-238) USS Bluegill AGSS 242. Navy’s Pacific Fleet Submarine Force reviewed analysis and photos provided by the Bowfin Museum and agreed the wreck is USS Wahoo. The U. With hundreds of soldiers left in theThe USS Yorktown sank on June 7, 1942, during the Battle of Midway. Pictures captured by an undersea drone show the wreck of World War II-era submarine USS Bugara in stunning detail. Although the submarine made enemy contact, torpedoes missing their target plagued Wahoo’s first patrol. Following her time in the Solomon Islands, Fletcher supported the landings at Gilbert Islands in 1943 and. USS WAHOO (SS-238) USS Wahoo (SS-238) was a Gato-class submarine that was last heard from on 13 September 1943 in the La Peruse Strait. S. Damaged by USS Wahoo On January 24, 1943 at 1:18pm spotted by USS Wahoo. The U. I first explored the USS Kittiwake in Grand ­Cayman with photographer David Doubilet. Sinking History. Here, we take a look at some of the most notable underwater wrecks from World War I and World War II. I saw broken mirrors on my right and a series of doorways in front of me, which Doubilet headed toward. . Photos HERE USS Dorado was lost on 12-Oct-1943 with the loss of 78 crew when it was sunk in Western Atlantic, possibly near CubaSixteen divers have perished visiting the Andrea Doria, most recently 64-year-old neuroscience professor Tom Pritchard. USS Wahoo (SS-238) was the most successful American submarine in the World War II Pacific Fleet. Mary’s, Georgia, so the Chesapeake Bay might be incorrect. S. ; Kanko Maru l,288gt. United States National Archives Photo # 80-G-60948 courtesy of Robert Hurst. The wreck of World War II submarine USS Grayback has been discovered off Japan 75 years. Navy. Along the way. News: U. USS Wahoo (SS-238) - confirmed discovery in the La Peruse Strait. Morton*. The Balao-class submarine was destroyed when her own torpedo boomeranged back and slammed into the ship’s port side during an attack on a Japanese convoy. July 30, 2020. The editor was fortunate enough to participate as a volunteer and recorded the events in a blog. S. Answer: Gato Class. The wreck of the World War II aircraft carrier USS Hornet (CV-8) has been discovered. Photos were taken during submarine explorations of. It sank a Japanese sub on Jan. Pausing to recharge batteries, Morton idled in the vicinity of. On 5 October, G unboat No. Silence. Wahoo was confirmed as the wreck of the La Pérouse (Soya) Strait wreckage on October 31, 2006, after the Iskra team provided the U. Officials with the Pacific Fleet Submarine Force reviewed analysis and photos provided by the Bowfin Museum and agreed the wreck is USS Wahoo. submarine war against Japan took place on January 26, 1943. S. Contact: Charles Hinman, (808) 423-1341, or education@bowfin. The Gato class was the largest class of U. Morton led his submarine on a deadly raid of commerce, sinking 27 ships, including two more,. In December 2006, diver/photographer Kevin Denlay sent numerous photos of the wreck to Bowfin Park. Although the submarine made enemy contact, torpedoes missing their target plagued Wahoo’s first patrol. Account youtube, google, gmail, orkut, picasa, or chrome. IBM-exec-turned-historian DeRose focuses on officers associated with the legendary USS Wahoo. USS Arkansas (BB-33), a 26,000 ton Wyoming class battleship, was built at Camden, New Jersey. S. Browse 5 uss wahoo photos and images available, or start a new search to explore more photos and images. S. On 23 August, Wahoo was underway for her first war patrol. Navy confirms the wreck as USS Wahoo Please contact us for further information. Learn about the USS Wahoo, a Gato-class submarine that sank the Japanese freighter Wewak in 1943, and see photos of its wreckage and sonar image. Billionaire-turned-explorer Paul Allen has discovered the missing wreck of the World War II carrier USS Lexington (CV-2) at the bottom of the Coral Sea. The wreck had several characteristics consistent with USS Wahoo, and the submarine was found very near those reported in Imperial Japanese Navy records. Ten-ichi-go. A survivor from Frederick C. Wahoo was one of 77 Gato class submarines built during WWII. Sonar Image of USS Wahoo SS-238 shipwreck on the sea floor. This picture shows the ship's air traffic control center (the four windows on the right), topped by the remains. Following fitting out and initial. It was the USS Wahoo. The crew of his personal research ship R/V. [ARCHIVED THREAD] - Pictures of the Wreck of the USS Yorktown CV-5 Sunk at Midway. As news broke on August 16, 2006, that the wreck of Wahoo had been located and dived upon, everyone familiar with the story clamored for photographs of the boat. A torpedo from John F. By late 1943, many boats carried lighter tripod-style Mark 10 mounts. 258k: Devilfish (SS-292), being sunk as a target by Wahoo (SS-565) at San Francisco, CA. The Wahoo was a legendary World War II submarine that sank many ships and was lost in the Pacific in 1943. Submarine Wreck stock photos are available in a variety of sizes and formats to fit your needs. S. Official U. submarines of the Second World War. Shown here are five photos (Photo 13 - Photo 17) of the wreck that we believe to be USS Wahoo (SS-238). Records indicate that the sub and its 80-member crew were sunk by a 500-pound bomb dropped in February 1944. O’Kane’s luck with the board would continue as he took it with him to become the commanding officer of USS Tang. S. NOAA for American divers access to dive USS Monitor 1989 Ceil has PASSED. Vasilis Tsikkinis photos // Getty Images. D. 10'±4. Allen On August 19, 2017, the U. USS Perch (SS-176) - discovery in the Java Sea. Commander, U. Shown on this page are four photos (Photo 01 - Photo 04) of the wreck that we believe to be USS Wahoo (SS-238). On 23 August, Wahoo was underway for her first war patrol. Christie,Number 1: first woman diver, Evelyn Dudas 1967 First woman to dive from Viking Star Ship, later dove from boat R/V Wahoo & Seeker. SUMMARY. Navy has issued a press release verifying this information. Wreck Imperial Japanese Navy Carrier Kaga on Oct. Honolulu, Hawaii. The aircraft managed to score a direct hit on her conning tower with a bomb. 66 million contract to. They were taken on July 28 and 29, 2006, by a Russian team. The strait is 42 km (26 mi) wide and 40 to 140 m (131 to 459 ft) deep. Secretary of the Navy announced that two future Virginia-class attack submarines will be named USS Tang and USS Wahoo. USS Wahoo. Thanks to a Japanese amateur researcher, the wreck of the USS Grayback has been located off the coast of Okinawa, Japan, 75 years after the submarine. Making one of these ships environmentally suitable for. They were taken on July 28 and 29, 2006, by a Russian team in a dive at the specific location whose coordinates were. submarine from World War II was found off the coast of Hokkaido in northern Japan — after disappearing. Her identity has not yet been confirmed by the U. After discovering the Confederate Navy was constructing an impenetrable ironclad in Hampton Roads, Va. They were taken on July 28 and 29, 2006, by a Russian team in a dive at the specific location whose coordinates were. The web page provides detailed information about the submarine's war patrols, torpedo hits, and sonar tests. Photo released by R/V Petrel. Yup! He was hired to locate and survey the wrecks of the Thresher and the USS Scorpion, with the cover story that he was looking for the wreck of the Titanic. Fenno Jr. IF you have seen the photo of WAHOO's return to Pearl Harbor after her 3rd patrol which. Morton successfully torpedoed the Buyo Maru and then engaged two other Japanese ships in an action which lasted. 061030-N-0000X-002 File Photo (Feb. 8- Kathy Warehouse aboard the dive boat Sea Hunter, Capt Sal Arena 9- Molly Troutman 1985 aboard the dive boat R/V Wahoo Captain's Steve Bielenda & Janet Bieser. More than 75 years later, her wreck was finally located, 6km (3. After two-and-ahalf hours, Johnston —dead in the water—was surrounded by enemy ships. S. Grayback has finally been found. Tang Class Submarine: Laid down, 24 October 1949, at Portsmouth Naval Shipyard, Kittery, ME. indianapolis-wreck-petrel-auv-610 Photo courtesy of Paul G. USS Wahoo attacked a Japanese convoy consisted of one tanker and two freighters with one escorting destroyer in the Pacific Ocean, sinking freighter Kamoi Maru with 3 of 4 torpedoes. ) Naval Shipyard; launched on 16 October 1951; sponsored by Mrs. Navy confirms the wreck as USS Wahoo Please contact us for further information. McDonald on 17 October 1916. 8-1998 — Craig Sicola, Seeker, Captain Dan Crowell. Google Earth image. Took several pictures. S. La Perouse Strait, July 8, 2007 : The U. The Wahoo's early maneuvers in the Pacific were considered unremarkable, but then it was assigned a new skipper -- a charismatic, aggressive young man named Dudley W. "Mush" Morton surfaced his command, USS WAHOO (SS-238), and watched the crippled freighter, PACIFIC MARU,. On Eternal Patrol - USS Wahoo (SS-238) Photos of the sunken USS Wahoo News: U. USS Wahoo SS-238 launching ceremony at Mare Navy Yard on Mare Island Beyond to the right is USS Whale (SS-239) under construction. 15, 1942, the U. Ww2 Ship stock photos are available in a variety of sizes and formats to fit your needs. 6,500 [3] Goya. The objective is a non-intrusive search. USS Edsall (DD-219), 1920–1942 (NH 69331). USS Edsall (DD-219) was one of 156 Clemson -class “flush deck” (or “four-piper”) destroyers authorized in 1917 and designed as battle fleet escorts to counter the German torpedo boat threat in World War I. ARFCOM Cigars Are Available for Purchase. 2,995. USS Grunion (SS-216) - confirmed discovery off Kiska. The vessel shown here lies at a depth of over 2000 feet. Coast Guardsmen on the deck of the U. m. The Jerusalem PostUSS Wahoo (SS-238) Submarine - Launched 14 February 1942 - Lost at sea. During the search, extensive. USS Wahoo (SSN-806), a Block 5 Virginia-class submarine for the United States Navy, will be the fifth United States Navy vessel named for the wahoo. Coast Guard Cutter Spencer watch the explosion of a depth charge which blasted a Nazi U-boats's hope of. (Ocean Exploration Trust, NOAA) A Japanese submarine ultimately sank the Yorktown at Midway on June 7, 1942, after the carrier. A Mark 14 torpedo on display at Fisherman's Wharf in San Francisco A Mark 14 torpedo on display in Cleveland, near USS Cod. The ship, the USS Johnston, is at a depth of 21,180 feet (about 6,500. USS Oklahoma (BB-37) capsized and sank after being torpedoed by Japanese aircraft at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, 7 December 1941. See the Submarine Discoveries page for additional information on the discovery of the wreck of this vessel. A dark blue food fish of Florida and the West Indies. Photo 09 - View aft from main deck gun. The keel of USS Wahoo (SS-238) was laid 28 June 1941 at the Navy Yard in Mare Island, California. S. When United. 10- Christine Nargi aboard the dive boat R/V Wahoo Captain's Steve Bielenda & Janet Bieser. S. I was ordered directly to USS Stickleback SS-415 out of Submarine School. The US Navy has just confirmed the sub located by the Russian team is Wahoo- Navy Says Wreck Found Off Japan is Legendary Sub USS Wahoo Story Number: NNS061031-15 Release Date: 10/31/2006 7:01:00 PM From Commander, U. Gary. La Pérouse Strait (Russian: пролив Лаперуза), or Sōya Strait, is a strait dividing the southern part of the Russian island of Sakhalin from the northern part of the Japanese island of Hokkaidō, and connecting the Sea of Japan on the west with the Sea of Okhotsk on the east. com. They were taken on July 28 and 29, 2006, by a Russian team in a dive at the specific location whose coordinates were. Photo 01 - View forward from the aft main deck. On August 23, 1945 L-19 fired torpedoes at Tetsugo Maru that sank at roughly Lat 44. The USS Texas is towed into the Houston Ship Channel as it makes its way to Galveston for repairs, Wednesday, Aug. A pair of alert escorts follow the USS Hornet with carried 16 B-25 bombers for the ‘Doolittle Raid’ on April 18, 1942. He then follows with a detailed description of the footage itself. USS Wahoo (SS-238) was the most successful American submarine in the World War II Pacific Fleet. Her sponsor was Mrs. 11 October 1943. USS Wahoo, commanded by Dudley "Mush" Morton with Richard "Dick" O'Kane as XO. Battle of the Santa Cruz Islands, October 1942 - USS Northampton (CA 26), at right, attempting to tow USS Hornet (CV 8) after she had been disabled by Japanese air attacks on 26 October 1942. Wahoo, American's most famous WWII Submarine, was attacked and sunk by Japanese air and naval forces in La Perouse Strait on October 11, 1943, several kilometers north of the memorial. org. As the Navy received word of the. Credit: Sakhalin Energy Investment Corp via WarFish Date: July 2004. Aerial view of submarine Tang (SS-563) underway on the surface, off the coast of. To date, a total of eighteen photos of the wreck have been released. Mann, Jr. H-044-3: “Operation Heaven Number One” (. Browse 5 uss wahoo photos and images available, or start a new search to explore more photos and images. Navy with images. Pausing to recharge batteries, Morton idled in the vicinity of. Navy photograph from the collections of the Naval History and Heritage Command, NH 97230. Hill; and commissioned on Memorial Day, 30 May 1952, Comdr. Pacific Fleet Public Affairs Posted: 11/01/2006----- PEARL HARBOR, Hawaii – For more than six decades her whereabouts have remained a mystery; her story one of submarine legend – her crew on “Eternal Patrol. S. Wahoo was assigned to the Pacific theatre. The only known US submarine lost in the location the scan was made was USS Wahoo (SS-238). Eight crew members were able to get out of the sinking sub in time, but the remaining 78 were unable. Contact: Charles Hinman, (808) 423-1341, or education@bowfin. (Photo 13 - Photo 17) of the wreck that we believe to be USS Wahoo (SS-238). S. Submarines. Navy, although. The USS Wahoo was a remarkable sub on the merit of having these two men leading it; both of them were renowned Submarine aces. USS Scorpion (SSN-589) photographed on 27 June 1960 off New London, Connecticut, during builder's trials. Each image, with accompanying comparison. Posted: 1/14/2006 8:12:21 AM EST. USS Devilfish (SS/AGSS-292), a Balao-class submarine, was a ship of the United States Navy named for the devil fish. 17k. Scrapping USS Enterprise (CVN-65), America's first nuclear supercarrier, is slated to take a decade and a half and cost a whopping $1. Navy and Coast Guard Vessels, Sunk or Damaged Beyond Repair during World War II, 7 December 1941-1 October 1945. The world’s deepest known shipwreck, a World War II US Navy destroyer, has been fully mapped and filmed by a US-based crew. In her 11 short months of life, Wahoo managed an incredible 21 kills, totaling over 60,000 tons of ships. When the USS Wahoo sailed into Pear Harbor on Feb. USS Wahoo (SS-238) Submarine - Launched 14 February 1942 - Lost at sea. )—the Death of. The Kaga vessel at its final resting place underwater. O’Kane’s luck with the board would continue as he took it with him to become the commanding officer of USS Tang. 3 million tons (post-war analysis of Japanese. Photos 1942–2006 Photos by USN, February 14, 1942 Photos by USS Wahoo (SS-238), January 24, 1943 Photos by USN, February 1943 Photos by USN, July 14, 1943 Photos by Vladimir Kartashev, July 28-29, 2006 via Wahoo Project Group Photos by City of Wakkanai, 2010 Contribute Information Do you have photos or additional information to add? The U. On 26 January 1943, during an intense action, the USS Wahoo (SS-238), under the command of Lieutenant Commander Dudley "Mush" Morton, attacked the survivors of the Japanese transport Buyo Maru. Member "Woman's Diver Hall Fame ". USS Wahoo (SS-238) was a Gato. Three hours after nightfall on Sept. The vessel is at a depth of 213 feet. submarines, and included some of the most famous of all the submarines to participate in WWII. At 13:28 a close up of the fwd 20mm platform ready service locker, and At 13:29 close up of the 20 mm mount. They were taken on July 28 and 29, 2006, by a Russian team. A Portland-class heavy cruiser, the Indianapolis was 610 feet 3 inches (186 metres) long and displaced 9,950 tons. This picture shows the ship's air traffic control center (the four. O’Kane served as XO of the Wahoo for five war patrols, the final three under Lt. The Hornet was sunk by Japanese forces in the Battle. Shown on this page are four photos (Photo 05 - Photo 08) of the wreck that we believe to be USS Wahoo (SS-238). The vessel shown here lies at a depth of over 2000 feet. Gary Roughead, the U. Michelle Rogeness will sponsor the future USS Wahoo (SSN 806). Commissioned in September 1912, she spent her first seven years of service with the Atlantic Fleet. The Wahoo was a United States Navy submarine that was in service during World War II. USS Wahoo sighted a hospital ship sailing toward the Shortland Islands and took no action. Cox, Director NHHC. Camera Gear: Nikon D610 camera, 14-24mm. The vessel is at a depth of 213 feet. On August 24, 1945 or August 25, 1945 believed to have sunk in La Perouse Strait due to unknown causes, possibly, collision with a sea mine. "On Eternal Patrol," through USS Bowfin Submarine Museum & Park, is honored to be associated with The Wahoo Project. During his four patrols com­manding the Wahoo, Morton became one of the most-cele­brated sub­mariners of World War II, sinking at least. Pacific Fleet declared Oct. In her 11 short months of life, Wahoo managed an incredible 21 kills, totaling over 60,000 tons of. “Mush” Morton. USS Yorktown (CV-5), 1937-1942 Overview and Special Image Selection. During her fifth and final patrol, Tang’s distinguished service came to an end. The. Navy Says "Wreck Found Off Japan is Legendary Sub USS Wahoo" "From. “CV-5” indicates that the ship was only the. ("Clear the Bridge" R. com. She. Even before the USS Tang headed out on its fifth war patrol, its captain, CDR Richard “Dick” O’Kane was already one of the most successful submariners of the war. On 11 October 1943, the submarine USS Wahoo (SS-238), under the command of the renowned Lieutenant Commander Dudley Walker “Mush” Morton. The U. Pacific Fleet declared Oct. He found both boats much faster than the Navy thought he would, so they let him use the leftover money and resources to actually search for (and eventually find) the Titanic. The Wahoo was a United States Navy submarine that was in service during World War II. USS FLIER (SS-250) USS Flier (SS-250) was a Gato-class submarine and was last heard from on 12 August 1944 near the Balabac Strait. Douglas McAneny, Commander, Submarine Group 7, CTF 74, and CTF54, conducted the ceremony aboard. USS Arizona (BB-39) sunk and burning furiously, 7 December 1941. , 7 April 1945. S. On the back of the photo is typed. Shown on this page are four photos (Photo 09 - Photo 12) of the wreck that we believe to be USS Wahoo (SS-238). On Eternal Patrol - Photos of USS Wahoo Wreck Site. In 1913, Arkansas cruised in the Mediterranean, and in 1914 she participated in the U. S. The U. Event Schedule. S. Browse Getty Images' premium collection of. High Resolution Version. Kennedy's PT-109 rests some 1,200 feet (360 meters) underwater in the Solomon Islands. Official U. 1. Frank W. The sub returned to Pearl Harbor in late May 1943 and O’Kane got his own command that summer, overseeing the. Video Wreck Valley Andrea Doria video Billy Deans. Cmdr. Dudley W. And here is some more from various other submarines through history Periscope Photos, p. If you are a relative or a friend of any man lost on this boat, please. **. S-13. They were taken on July 28 and 29, 2006, by a Russian team in a dive at the specific location whose coordinates were previously given to the Russian authorities by the Wahoo Project. Navy. An article about the discovery of the wreck of the USS Wahoo. Coast Guardsmen on the deck of the U. Commander Dudley “Mush” Morton, today a legend in the US Navy’s submarine service. Bow of USS Wahoo SS-238 upright on the seafloor Credit: Vladimir Kartashev via Wahoo Project Group Date: July 2006 Digital High Resolution Version Acquire This Image | . Kennedy as her first Commanding Officer. It was part of a two-year mission to locate, map and study historic shipwrecks in NOAA’s Greater Farallones National Marine Sanctuary and nearby waters. Navy the following year. 3, 1943. Yamato. Photos by USN, February 14, 1942. Browse 8,138 ww2 ship photos and images available, or search for french flag to find more great photos and pictures. Her identity has been confirmed by the U. Kelly Geurts will sponsor the future USS Wisconsin (SSBN-827). The following day, they sunk two freighters and a third the next day. ”. Oceanographer Dr. While on the surface the Flier struck a mine and sank in a couple minutes. USS Wahoo (SS-238) off the Mare Island Navy Yard, California, 14 July 1943. Contribute InformationThat night, the Wahoo sank two Japanese freighters. 08N, Long 141. S. Honolulu, Hawaii. 31, 2022, in La Porte, Texas. Samuel J. Sailors stand with photos of Commander Dudley Morton, left, and the crew of the USS Wahoo (SS-238) as U. Wahoo was one of the most-celebrated submarines of World War II, sinking at least 19 Japanese ships, more than. They were taken on July 28 and 29, 2006, by a Russian team in a dive at the specific location whose coordinates were previously. Considered the most important lost ship in the central Pacific, the USS S-28 sank on July 4th 1944 and was discovered, explored and surveyed in 2650 meters (8700 feet) of water off the cost of Oahu, Hawaii. At the helm of the USS Wahoo he completely changed the way the submarines fought in the Pacific War. Japanese cargo ship Nittsu Maru sinking in the Yellow Sea, off China, after being torpedoed by Wahoo (SS-238), 23 March 1943; photo taken from Wahoo's: periscope. A member of the team views pictures of the remains of the USS Hornet inside the online room of the R/V Petrel. It was hidden from discovery all this. It was the USS Wahoo. Navy, while conducting routine operations off the coast of Wakkanai, Japan, held a Ceremony-at-Sea for USS Wahoo on July 8, 2007. The surviving crew were later picked up by USS. indianapolis-wreck-petrel-auv-610 Photo courtesy of Paul G. (Photo 09 - Photo 12) of the wreck that we believe to. When the smoke from the two-day battle cleared, more than 250 Japanese aircraft and nearly 50 ships were destroyed. Morton) attacked a Japanese convoy about 270 nautical miles north of New Guinea and torpedoed and sank the Japanese army cargo ships Buyo Maru (5447 GRT) and Fukuei Maru No. How many US subs were lost in ww2? Fifty-two submarines of the United States Navy were lost during World War II. “Mush” Morton. During World War II, the Rubis completed 22 operational patrols, laying 683 mines and sinking ships with an approximate tonnage of 21,000 tons. Home; About HullNumber; Before you Register;. Courtesy of Bryan MacKinnon. The ship was launched in 1931 and commissioned by the U. USS Wahoo SS-238 Stern Propeller Photo by Vladimir Kartashev July 28-29, 2006 Credit: Credit: Date: Date: Digital High Resolution Version Acquire This Image | . Memorial USS Wahoo (SS-238) Second World War (1939-1945) US Highway 77, Wahoo. 30 January 1945. Headed by. Using information obtained from outside sources Russian divers found the wreck of Wahoo. Casualties: U. The early months of 1943 were a dark time for the submarines of the US Navy in the Pacific. They were taken on July 28 and 29, 2006, by a Russian team in a dive at the specific location whose coordinates were previously given to the Russian authorities by the Wahoo Project. HullNumber. Click on a man's name to go to his personal memorial page on this site. D. The wreckage of the USS Indianapolis, the Navy cruiser sunk by an imperial Japanese submarine 72 years ago during the waning days of World War II, was finally discovered on Saturday, reports Chris. Kennedy's PT-109 rests some 1,200 feet (360 meters) underwater in the Solomon Islands. Cdr. Navy, while conducting routine operations off the coast of Wakkanai, Japan, held a Ceremony-at-Sea for USS Wahoo. Andrea Doria slide show YouTube link. 14, 1942) - USS Wahoo (SS 238) is launched at Mare Island Navy Yard, Calif. Wahoo was assigned to the Pacific theatre. Although in the case of the famed USS Wahoo (SS 238), commanded by Dudley W. , on May 9, 1942. She was the first to penetrate an enemy harbor and sink a Japanese ship. Photo by Mason, PH2. Griffin piloted the first plane, a VE-7-SF, launched from her decks. Navy has issued a press release verifying this information. Contribute InformationUSS Wahoo found. National Archives, 19-N-48937. Her identity has been confirmed by the U. In the background is the Naval hospital building. Left: Skipper Dudley “Mush” Morton (right in photo) speaks with his exe­cu­tive officer, Richard O’Kane, on the bridge of the Wahoo days after sinking the Japa­nese troop trans­port Buyo Maru on Janu­ary 26, 1943. S. Her stern went up and she headed for the bottom. German submarine U-852 was a Type IXD2 U-boat built for Nazi Germany's Kriegsmarine during World War II. Navy announced that the crew of the civilian research vessel Petrel (owned by Microsoft co-founder.